Your gums are crying for attention! Bacterial plaque and food debris are not being removed. Thoroughly and gently brush and floss your gums at least twice a day. If the bleeding continues after 4 to 5 days, visit your dentist immediately.
No matter the condition of your mouth, see your dentist at least twice a year. More than 90% of dental problems occur without any symptoms. Your dentist can spot a problem early and treat it before problems become serious.
Present day bleaching materials, both over-the-counter and in-office, will not damage your enamel. Nevertheless, teeth whitening products are not recommended for those with sensitive teeth, exposed roots, unfilled cavities, broken fillings, those under age 21, and pregnant or nursing women. It is always best to consult your dentist before you begin any whitening procedure.
Partially true. Genetics does help with good dental health, but it's up to you to brush and floss your teeth and gums daily; and, to visit your dentist regularly to keep them healthy in the long term.
Mostly false. Chewing xylitol based gums will increase saliva flow which helps rid teeth of food debris and freshens your breath. However, chewing gum is not a replacement for thorough brushing and flossing of your teeth.
This "at-home remedy" of placing an aspirin in direct contact with the soft tissues of your mouth will lead to a painful chemical burn. It will not relieve the toothache.
Good dental health starts with your child's baby teeth. Baby teeth can remain until age 13. Neglecting them will cause loss of the baby teeth before their proper time, resulting in problems with their bite, their speech, and the development of their permanent teeth.
Pregnant women must not avoid regular dental treatment. A healthy mouth, and a healthy mother correlates with a healthy infant. There are only a few dental procedures to avoid during certain trimesters of pregnancy. Inform your dentist if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.
Most dentists recommend using a soft toothbrush to remove bacterial plaque twice a day. Brushing and flossing after every meal is considered ideal.
Unfortunately, the tooth is more susceptible to the cavity process. Good oral hygiene habits will decrease the chance of a re-occurring cavity.
Recent studies show it is better to remove the asymptomatic wisdom teeth at an early age to avoid gum disease in these areas later in life.
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